What’s Going On With the THC Caps?

A public battle between lawmakers in the State House is beginning to ensue over the issue of the THC caps in Vermont’s enabling statute, Act 164, an issue that we know is vital to countless businesses and consumers, so we want to take a moment to provide an update on what’s happening in the Montpelier.

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CCB and Legislative Update

The Cannabis Control Board’s rules 1 through 4 are now in effect. On March 16, the licensing pre-qualification period began. Bill H.701, the license fee bill, a vital milestone to the market formation, was recently signed into law. The adult-use market is on track to begin selling to persons 21 years or older on May 1, and the State House is actively deliberating additional pieces of legislation that would bring sweeping changes to the emerging marketplace. As this occurs, we continue to work with local businesses and our partners in the Vermont Cannabis Equity Coalition and lawmakers to bring equity and fairness to the market.

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CCB and Legislative Update

The CCB has wrapped-up Rule 1 and 2, and the public input period for Rule 3 and 4 is well underway. Key pieces of legislation, including H.701, the license fee bill, are advancing in the State House, committees in both chambers are holding important conversations that may bring sweeping changes to the emerging adult-use marketplace. We continue to work with our Coalition and colleagues to influence these rules and bills to bring greater equity and fairness to the market for all.

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