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Resources for Extreme Weather Events, Storms, and Flooding

Resources for licensed cannabis farms and businesses impacted by storms and flooding, and those wanting to help.


Are You Impacted by A Storm?

We see cannabis farms and businesses of every license type impacted annually by extreme weather events, storms, and flooding, and when this happens the entire supply chain is affected. Assessment of damage and loss is a critical first step in rebounding from a disaster.

Get Safe, Then Assess
After securing the safety of everyone, livestock and pets included, begin to take a detailed assessment of the storm's impact on your farm or business. Take photos, videos, and written accounts before you start cleaning up, then fill out VGA’s short form and Vermont's Flood Damage Business form to help assess total damage across the industry to seek state money for relief. If you are a farm, also fill out The Agency of Agriculture’s 2024 Flood Loss and Damage Survey and NOFA-VT’s intake form for accessing services and technical assistance.

It is vital to demonstrate the impact of extreme weather events, storms, and flooding on the industry for the purposes of obtaining assistance through the State. The VGA and Vermont assessment forms are critical to our ability as an industry to obtain relief money from the State.


Assistance for Extreme Weather Events, Storms, and Flooding

In response to the tragic reality of more frequent extreme weather events as the result of human-caused climate change, and the lack of federal relief available to the cannabis industry, we started the Vermont Cannabis Industry Emergency Fund as a permanent relief fund for Vermont-licensed cannabis farms and businesses impacted by natural and unnatural disasters.


Resources and Links

Below is a list or resources and links to help those impacted by extreme weather events, storms, and flooding. We will keep this section updated as more resources become available.